Top 10 Richest Countries In The World 2023

Richest Countries In The World

Today you will know which are the Richest Countries In The World in 2023? In the world, you will get to see more than one rich country, but today we are going to tell you the top 10 list of the world’s richest country, tell that the people of the country work hard to make the country rich, only then the country becomes rich. This question must have come in your mind sometime or the other that how the list of rich countries is prepared, in preparing the list of rich countries, the economy of that country and the income, business, property of each person are included. This is how the list of rich countries is prepared. Let us know which are the Richest Countries In The World in 2023?

Top 10 Richest Countries In The World

We are going to tell you the top 10 list of which is the richest country in the world. You can see all the list below.

1. America USA

America is the number one richest country in the world. All the big companies in the world are from America like Google, Microsoft, Amazon etc. America has the highest number of billionaires who help a lot in making America rich. The total assets of America are 64,584 billion dollars.

2. China

China is the second richest country in the world. You will get to see Made in China goods all over the world, the biggest reason for this is that China exports its goods to other countries at cheap prices. The total assets of China are 24,803 billion dollars.

3. Japan

Japan is the third richest country in the world. Japan is very famous all over the world for its technology. Japan’s technology is the best in the world. The total assets of Japan are 19,522 billion dollars.

4. Britain

Britain is the fourth richest country in the world. Everyone in Britain is educated, because of this the economy of Britain is very good. The population of Britain is very small. The total assets of Britain are 9,919 billion dollars.

5. Germany

Germany is the fifth richest country in the world. The economic condition of Germany is very good. The population of Germany is small. There are very few poor people in Germany. The wealth of Germany is 9,660 billion dollars.

6. India

India is the sixth richest country in the world. India is the seventh largest country in the world by area. The total area of India (India area in km) is 3,287,263 square kilometers. India is the second largest country in terms of population. The total wealth of India is $8,230 billion.

7. France

France is the seventh richest country in the world. France is a very small country. The population of France is also very less. The technology of France is very good. The total assets of France are 6,649 billion dollars.

8. Canada

Canada is the eighth richest country in the world. The population of Canada is very small. Canada is a neighboring country of America. The country of Canada is also counted among the developed countries. The total wealth of Canada is $6,393 billion.

9. Australia

Australia is the ninth richest country in the world. Australia is the smallest continent of the world. Australia has huge mineral reserves. Australia country is very rich for food production. The total wealth of Australia is $6,142 billion.

10. Italy

Italy is the tenth richest country in the world. Italy is a small country. The population of Italy is very less. Italy is one of the most prosperous countries in the world. The wealth of Italy is 4,276 billion dollars.

So now you must have known that which are the Richest Countries In The World in 2023? We have told you the top 10 list of which is the richest country in the world. Hope you have got all the information.

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